Free Digital Rendering

Instructions on How to take a Digital Photo for Free Digital Rendering.

  1. Stand in the street in front of your home

  2. Try to capture as much of your home with the driveway so that we can determine which style, pattern and color will work best for your home.

  3. Try to avoid getting too much of the road in the picture

  4. Save the file as a .jpeg or .bmp

  5. File should not be larger than 500 kilobytes

  6. Fill in this form and click the "Browse" button on the Image field to locate the image on your PC you wish to upload.

To ensure the security of your information, we ask that you type the code (displayed below) in the text box. This code is an image that cannot be read by web robots and prevents them from gaining access to your information.
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To ensure the security of the information, type the code (displayed below) in the box.